In this modern era the future of mobile and with an increasing number of users accessing websites from phones and tablets, designers must produce tools that perform well whether viewed on a large desktop, a medium-sized tablet, or a compact smart phone screen.
Compact + Medium + Huge A single site for different mobile platform.
In recent years, there has been an explosion of browser-enabled devices with diverse sets of consoles, tablets, smart phones, and media devices having its own personalized browser, a typical screen resolution, and layout. One expects web experiences to be translated to different devices through responsive web design. Webric technologies uses Responsive Web Design for responsive layouts which are responsively wire framed, to create responsive web apps, making it compatible with multiple platforms and all environments.
What does responsive web design mean?

A responsive website is not a mobile site, or a mobile app. It’s one website that scales up or down depending on the size of the screen it’s viewed on. Unlike a traditional website that will simply shrink to fit the screen it’s displayed on—rendering text nearly impossible to read and elements hard to use—a responsive site will be visually appealing and fully functional on a small screen (such as a smart phone). Visitors will have a much easier and more positive experience with the site than they would if viewing a traditional site shrunk down to fit a tiny screen.
Webric Technologies India's Tactics
Web Design ?

So now that is clear what a responsive website is and what it is not, let’s see what are the advantages of having a responsive website for your business and how to justify the investment needed to turn your non-responsive website into responsive.Below are several reason why it is becoming so powerful these days :
- Reach more audience
- Your customers are already mobile, stay in touch with them
- High quality appearance
- Offer a consistent design across all devices
- SEO benefits from responsive design
- Increase conversions and earnings from ads
- Stay in front of the competition
- Save time and cost on mobile development
- You are preparing now for the future
Our Responsive Web Design Services Features
- Strong Responsive Web Design
- Cross browser compatibility
- Ability to display on all Internet Devices
- Quality design as well as user friendly navigation